Special Individual Supporters
The following individuals generously contributed to our kickstarter campaign, the funds from which made it possible for us to develop pet products to support our mission.
Platinum Supporters
- Mark E. Berghausen
- Mr. & Mrs. James D. Berghausen
- Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Drackett, Jr.
- Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Drackett, Sr.
- Frances T. Gurganus
- Kaitlin Bishop
- Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Phitayakorn
- Helen E. Schardt
Gold Supporters
- Mrs. Anne D. Thomas
- Christopher W. Drackett
- Brandi Barker
- Mr. & Mrs. James Haberl
- Thomas Gurganus
- Helen Hwang
- Mark Edward Turner
- Daria & Larysa Fedoriw
Silver Supporters
- Philip E. Berghausen, Jr.
- Mimi Burgin
- Jamie Moroco
- Harriet Hurworth
- Sean Smart
- Jessica Moore
- Kitty Fischer
- Mr. & Mrs. Chris and Katie Hermann
- Dick & Mary Hermann
- Briant Happ
- Mr. & Mrs. Dallas Baker
- Deb Krehbiel
- Duain Christensen
- Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lehman
- Jane Bennett
- Joan Hurworth
Bronze Supporters
- Michelle Morrocco
- Molly Garber
- Melissa Scaglione
- Kristen Pappacena
- Mochi Park
- Desmond Kidney
- Annie
- Amy Hahn
- Jeremy Canceko
- Jennifer Lin
- Amanda Wildman Colebeck
- Samantha Aigner-Treworgy
- Marissa Strassel
- Tim Haley
- Lauren Wheeler
- Courtney Syskowski
- Lori Sedlak
- Kristin Waxmonsky
- Jessica Appleby
- Linda Appleby
- Megan Conover
- Vanda Di Santo
- Jen Scriba
- A Maz
- Lorena Bensenor
- Lori Nahin
- Carl & Liz Zimmerman
- Andrea Koch
- Lori Mendoza
- Mat Kotowsky
- Nik O.
- Margaret Bertram
- Beth Forristall
- Sarah Q.
- Casey Marsh
- Al & Ruth Michaelsen
Thank You!!!!