Dedicated to raising funds and awareness
for dogs and cats diagnosed
with heart disease.
Tiny Needs Your Help! -
We're (sort of) Back in Action!!
Catching Up With Duncan!!
#GivingTuesday: Helping Hearts & Saving Lives
Black Friday, Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday?
A Brief Interruption in our Regularly Scheduled Programming Rescued English Bulldog Vinnie needs your help!
Thanks for featuring us, @MistyWooEngle!
@brontyman Thank you for your support earlier! We are addressing the issue. Our servers are secure - the breach was not with us!
@FishingLynn we’re sending you an email about this. Our system is secure so I don’t think your credit card was compromised by us.
@AxelsonCenter Thank you! We are thrilled that Kaitlin gets to attend your excellent program ;).
@AxelsonCenter @bigheartsfund
Catching Up with Lily...
Learning from Nobi
Liz & Duncan's Unexpected Journey
Gypsy's Story
Godric's Story
Catching up with Caesar!
Catching Up With Sadie!

Black Friday, Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday?

As someone who, from the day after Thanksgiving through the day after Christmas, will listen only to the Christmas Stations on Songza, Sirius, Pandora, and yes, even the radio, saying the holiday season excites me is quite obviously, an understatement. Lights, decorations, music, baked treats, time with friends and family, It’s a Wonderful Life, A Charlie Brown Christmas, Elf….you get the point. This ED clearly loves it all. While I refuse to be bogged down by the marketing ploys and fixations on commercialism of the retail industry during the holidays, I have many friends and family members who cannot help but turn into varying degrees of Mr. Scrooge when the stories of chaos in a Toys “R” Us at 4am on Black Friday hit the news waves. Perhaps you’re one of those?

In response to the ever expanding and overwhelming focus on buy buy buy and me me me during the holiday season, an idea was born:


Stores have their Black Friday events. Websites have their Cyber Monday sales. And now, nonprofit organizations have their #GivingTuesday campaigns. The first Tuesday after Thanksgiving marks an opportunity for all to truly embrace the holiday spirit and give to a cause(s) they hold dear. This year, The Big Hearts Fund will be launching its Helping Hearts Annual Pledge Drive. We are so excited to be joining the #GivingTuesday movement, we hope you join us on this adventure in giving this holiday season. Stay Tuned!