Arrow is this sweet 14-week-old Boxer puppy, a rescue with the St. Louis Senior Dog Project. SLSDP found Arrow at a dog auction, which is where commercial breeders sell dogs they no longer need or cannot sell some other way.
“Many rescue groups attend these auctions to rescue the dogs from going back into the commercial breeding system,” explained Ellen, the head of SLSDP. “We want them to find homes as pets instead. Arrow looked like a healthy puppy at first,” she said, “but the first vet who saw him noticed a heart murmur and something else odd about his heartbeat. We took him to a specialist who diagnosed his heart condition and said surgery was necessary.”
The rescue group has a budget for routine medical care for the dogs in its care, such as regular check ups and puppy shots, but it does not have the means to afford a $3,000 surgery for Arrow.
Arrow’s foster mom, Delphina, has this to say about him:
“Arrow is super sweet, goofy, and totally puppy. He LOVES dogs of all sizes, and he has two big ones here that are his best buddies.” Arrow follows his big sister, Brie, a 3-1/2 year old Doberman, around like a big sister. “When she runs after the Frisbee, he just sits next to me until she’s close, and then tries to steal the Frisbee and run with it.”
“Thor is my 10-year-old German Shepherd that also has a congenital heart defect (St Louis Senior Dog Project rescued him almost 2 years ago, and I am his failed foster) and he keeps the little guy from getting too rambunctious and teaches him to respect his elders. Arrow also loves the resident cats, but they think he’s an annoying little pest, as he loves to chase them around.”
“We take the pup around. He goes to the hardware store, Petsmart and Petco, and often to Bass Pro with my husband. He loves to get attention from people and children and he also loves to meet new dogs. He learned very quickly to ride in the car and he sits quietly in the backseat with a toy or a chewy.”
“He was a bit of a finicky eater at first, but now he knows when the food is in his kennel and runs to eat. He also loves treats like puppy biscuits and toast, and tries to steal my apple when I’m eating one.”
“Even when he is outside in the yard having fun with his buddies he is quick to come when I call him, and always ready to cuddle up. He got used to crate and kennel both, and knows when it’s time to go to sleep or take a nap.”
“Luckily his condition has not caused him to faint, or look anything but like a playful puppy. We know that his heart is damaged, but he enjoys life and if you looked at him play you would not guess at his condition.”
Can you find it in your heart to help this sweet little guy get the surgery he needs in order to be adopted into a loving “forever” home?